16 research outputs found

    Teaching «Fundamentals of Health» with the application of cloud technologies

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the results of teaching the subject «Fundamentals of Health» in grades 5-9 in the conditions of distance learning with the application of cloud technologies. The following methods were used for the study: videoconferences, explanations, interviews, surveys, tests for formative and summative assessment, performing practical tasks, works, projects, compiling instructions to tasks, creating educational presentations and videos. The article substantiates the possibility of teaching the subject «Fundamentals of Health» in grades 5-9 using cloud technology and educational platforms in the conditions of distance learning, such as: Google Classroom, Zoom, Meet, Edpuzzle. The results of 5-9-grade students’ academic performance were analyzed and it was found that grades 5, 6, and 9 showed a fairly high level of academic achievement, while for the students of 7th and 8th grades this indicator was quite low. The obtained results are explained by the difference in motivation, experience of blended learning and students’ age psychological peculiarities, parents’ inclusion in the educational process, various types of practical tasks. The prospects for further use of distance education are highlighted in the article. They include application of tried and tested cloud technologies, systematic and comprehensive professional development of teachers; teacher-parent cooperation, preparing guidelines for students’ parents; adapting types of tasks and their content to the conditions of distance and blended learning; launching teachers’ own YouTube channels


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    The study of stability of lipid-magnetite suspensions (LMS) was carried out using photometry and electronic microscopy. All suspensions are rather stable in time. The best results in stability were demonstrated by suspensions with ratio Fe3O4: SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass % : 0,70 mass % and 0,025: 0,35 g or 0,05 mass % : 0,70 mass %. The sizes of magnetite particles from SAS were determined as– <d>~76 nm. It was established, that with time (0–48,0 hours) and growth of wave length (210 – 1000 nm) is observed the gradual increase of transmission coefficient from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of suspension ageing; from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at maximal time of suspension ageing (48 hours). There parameters of LMS were determined: concentration of particles – N=1,43 ∙ 1012 cm-3, in 48 hours concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19∙1012 cm-3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, κ=0,01. The function of particles distribution by sizes is rather narrow and symmetric that certifies the system of synthesized nanoparticles as homogenous with low degree of polydispersity. Ultraviolet spectrums of LMS and their components were fixed and analyzed. Comparison of transmission spectrums of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to the chemical identity of samples. There were studied kinetic dependencies of transmission coefficient for suspensions with different magnetite concentration (Fegen), on which base was calculated the effective radius of particles of stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of particles in lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually LMS manifested the high aggregative stability with high sedimentation time 48 hours. It was established, that LMS can be used as biologically active and feed additives with complex effect: manifest antioxidant activity, are the source of easily assimilated iron, improve quality and increase storage terms of fat-containing products. Thus, introduction of LMS in foodstuff improves its quality, nutritive and biological value.&nbsp

    Дослідження наночастинок магнетиту ліпідо –магнетитових суспензій методами фотометрії і електронної мікроскопії

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    With the aid of the methods of photometry and electronic microscopy, we studied the sedimentation and aggregative stability of the lipid­magnetite suspensions (LMS). Different LMS were obtained. All suspensions are sufficiently stable over time. The best results in stability were displayed by suspensions, in which the ratio Fe3O4:SAS=0,02:0,35 g or 0,04 mass %:0,70 mass % and 0,025:0,35 g or 0,05 mass %:0,70 mass %. We determined size of the particles of magnetite with SAS. The order of mean particle size is defined – it amounts to <d>~76 nm.It was found that in the course of time (0–48,0 h) and with an increase in the wavelength (210–1000 nm), a gradual increase in the coefficient of transmission is observed from 25 % (210 nm) to 71,9 % (1000 nm) at 0 hours of exposure of the suspension: from 27,5 % (210 nm) to 81,2 % (1000 nm) at the maximum period of exposure of the suspension (48 hours).The indices of LMS are determined: concentration of the particles – N=1,43 1012 сm­3, in 48 hours the concentration decreased by 20 % (N=1,19·1012 сm­3); r=38 nm, n=1,48, k=0,01. The distribution function of the particles by size is rather narrow and symmetrical, which indicates that the system of the synthesized nanoparticles is homogenous with a low degree of polydispersity.The UV spectra of LMS and their components were taken and analyzed. The comparison of the spectra of transmission of suspensions with different degree of dilution testifies to chemical identity of the samples.The kinetic dependences of the coefficient of transmission for the suspensions with different concentration of magnetite (Fe(ov.).), were examined, based on which we calculated the effective mean radius of the particles of the stabilized magnetite: 76–168 nm. The mean radius of the particles in the lipid suspension of magnetite without stabilizer (reff)=400 nm. Visually, LMS manifested high aggregation stability at the total time of sedimentation reaching several tens of hours.It was established that LMS can be used as the biologically­active and food supplements, which possess the comprehensive action: beneficial biological effect on the human organism; due to the presence of bivalent iron in magnetite and capacity to form transition complexes with oxygen and peroxide radicals (and hydroperoxides), they manifest antioxidant activity, which leads to improvement in the quality and lengthening of the period of storage of the products that contain fat. Furthermore, LMS due to Fe2+ of magnetite can be recommended as the source of easily assimilated iron and as the anti­anemic means. Therefore, the introduction of LMS to the food products increases its quality, nutritional and biological value.Методами фотометрии и электронной микроскопии определены функции распределения частиц магнетита, стабилизированных поверхностно – активным веществом, по размерам, и их комплексный показатель преломления. С помощью измерения коэффициента пропускания выполнен анализ процесса седиментации наночастиц в липидо – магнетитовых суспензиях различного состава и концентрации. По временным зависимостям коэффициента пропускания рассчитан эффективный средний радиус наночастиц. Эти частицы синтезированы как компонент биологически – активных и пищевых добавокМетодами фотометрії та електронної мікроскопії визначені функції розподілу частинок магнетиту, стабілізованих поверхнево – активною речовиною, за розмірами, і їх комплексний показник заломлення. За допомогою вимірювання коефіцієнта пропускання виконаний аналіз процесу седиментації наночастинок в ліпідо – магнетитових суспензіях різного складу і концентрації. За тимчасовим залежностям коефіцієнта пропускання розрахований ефективний середній радіус наночастинок. Ці частинки синтезовані як компонент біологічно – активних та харчових добаво

    Sustainable Subsoil Use as a Factor of Innovative Development of Mining Region

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    Historically, the process of economic and technological development the was caused by both extensive and intensive use of natural resources, in which, in general, the ecological principles of development were not taken into account. By the beginning of the 1970s, the need for a fundamental change in the activities of primary production and business units became evident, which is explained by two factors: environmental awareness of the public and activation of the preparation of market mechanisms for the adaptation of socio-ecological attitudes At the turn of the 1990s, ideas of this kind were no longer popular. On the contrary, today the modern forms of scientific and technological development should be considered in the context of adequate “work” of market relations, creating prerequisites for a “balanced relationship” between productive, economic, social activities and the preservation of the natural environment

    The Neo-Industrial Role of Digital and Converged Technologies in the Russian Economy

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    In modern conditions, the diffusion of digital technologies into the structure of the economy is considered as one of the most effective mechanisms for transforming economic systems. The digital economy as a category has a wide content, since, in addition to production and technological features, it also includes social, economic, institutional parameters that ensure the transition to a new scientific and technological structure, characterized by the integration and interpenetration of sciences and technologies – technological convergence. In the process of diffusion of convergent technologies into the structure of the industry, its radical innovative development is expected with an exit to many times higher levels of labor productivity. This process should be called neo-industrial development, in which structural changes in industry are not sectoral, but over sectoral, convergent. At the same time, in the conditions of the transitional Russian economy, the conducted scientific and technological policy is essentially catching up and is not able to ensure the elimination of technological lag. Therefore, to implement the neo-industrial role of digital and convergent technologies in the modernization of the Russian economy, it is important to ensure the transition to a policy of advanced development

    Digital Modernization of the Russian Mining Sector in Accordance with the National Technology Initiative and Mining 4.0

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    Currently, a new impetus for the innovative development of the Russian economy is associated with the formation and implementation of measures within the framework of the National Technology Initiative, aimed at the expansion of national high-tech companies into world markets. At the same time, there is a large-scale consumer of Industry 4.0 technologies in the domestic market – the extractive sector of the Russian industry, in need of technological support for innovative modernization. Today, the mining industry around the world is in a process of technological transformation, as digital and automated technologies are transforming traditional technologies for the extraction of energy and non-energy minerals. In the era of volatile global demand for raw materials, stricter safety and environmental requirements and dwindling profits, the mining industry must increase its investment attractiveness by radically increasing productivity as a result of the introduction of intelligent mining systems. Thus, new technological requirements of the Russian mining industry can be satisfied within the key areas of the National Technology Initiative. For this, it is important to unite the efforts of representatives of business, the scientific and educational community, the state, and international partners in the interests of the technological modernization of the mining complex as a factor of national economy development

    Ecologization of Regional Industrial Complex in the Transition to Sustainable Development

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    Ensuring the sustainable development of a country or a single territory is a complex task, the main role in the implementation of which is the timely receipt of financial resources. This allows for the implementation of innovative economic and environmental policies aimed at diversification and ecologization of the regional economy, including a reduction in the negative impact on the environment, the introduction of new technologies at enterprises, the strengthening of environmental expertise and the consideration of the environmental factor in making managerial decisions, population and other activities. The regions became able to pursue an environmental policy only in the conditions of boosting the innovative activity in the leading industries. Together with the consolidation of environmental funds, this must be the main reason for efficient financing of environmental policy. So ecologization of industrial region economy means environmentalization of its economic development

    Zero Waste Technologies and Solution of Economic and Environmental Problems of Sustainable Development

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    Economic and environmental problems are closely related, and solving some of them, the others cannot be solved. The state of the environment directly forms the potential of the economic sphere. For example, resources for industrial enterprises are formed in the natural environment, and the capacity of plants and factories depends on resources’ quantity. The amount of money to be spent on the purchase and installation of treatment plants, on the measures to eliminate water, air and soil pollution, depends upon the profit. Each country has its own list of environmental problems related to the economy. They are engaged in their elimination at the state level, but first of all the responsibility for the consequences is the burden of companies’ management. The active development of the economy should not adversely affect the state of the environment. Both individual enterprises and whole states should control the economic and environmental situation in order to achieve a balance and solve global problems. The most important form of interaction between the state and business in solving economic-and-environmental problems is the introduction of zero waste technologies in all their diversity and achieving their multiplicative effect. The paper shows the relationship between environmentally-oriented innovative development of the economy and the introduction of zero waste technologies

    Розроблення кваліметричних підходів до процесів системи управління якістю підприємств згідно міжнародних стандартів ISO серії 9000

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    For the assessment of the processes of the system of quality management (QMS) at enterprises, it is necessary to bring all estimations of the indicators of quality of the processes to one, desirably a dimensionless, scale of measurements. As the function of desirability for the conversion of various dimensional indicators of quality into a dimensionless value, applying a desirability function is proposed.A peculiarity and a difference from the existing functions of desirability is the fact that it takes into account maximally permissible and minimally permissible values of the indicator of quality of a process, and also its best (optimal) value. In addition to this, the parameter of form and steepness of function is present, which will make it possible to use them for the assessment of the processes of different significance with different requirements for quality.It is proposed to assess QMS through the values of the set of interconnected processes, i.e., to combine the assessments of different processes into one set of data and to estimate this set as a whole. This procedure will make it possible to increase the amount of information about the estimations of quality of the system as a set of processes, which will allow assessing the system as a whole with higher objectivity and reliability. The solution to this problem is proposed by statistical methods, using parametric and nonparametric statistics, since they do not require the knowledge of the law of distribution of a random value.Разработана методика количественного оценивания процессов системы управления качеством предприятий, которая включает процедуру получения их оценок на безразмерной шкале. В качестве зависимостей предлагается использовать порядковые статистики, которые учитывают максимально-допустимое, минимально-допустимое и его наилучшее (оптимальное) значение. Предлагается оценивать системы менеджмента качества на этапе функционирования через оценки взаимосвязанных процессов, применяя непараметрические статистикиРозроблено методику кількісного оцінювання процесів системи управління якістю підприємств, яка включає процедуру отримання їх оцінок на безрозмірній шкалі. В якості залежностей пропонується використовувати порядкові статистики, які враховують максимально-допустиме, мінімально-допустиме та його найкраще (оптимальне) значення. Пропонується оцінювати системи управління якістю на етапі функціонування через оцінки взаємопов'язаних процесів, застосовуючи непараметричні статистик

    Institutional Traps and Externalities of Sustainable Development of the Mining Country in Transition to Digital and Knowledge Economy

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    The content, boundaries, development vector and expected results of the sustainable development policy today rightfully belong to one of the most debated issues in the scientific community. The imperative of solving the critical problem of replacing the dominant world order based on the extraction of mineral raw materials carries the risk of increasing economic isolationism. This threatens to eliminate the economics of extracting products from technological production chains that meet the needs of modern consumers around the world, and the loss of technological identity of the industry. For the transition of an economy with a developed commodity sector to the path of sustainable development, modernization of industry on a new technological basis is required and saturation of the domestic market with environmentally friendly production requires, on the one hand, the import of technologies, and on the other, significant “environmental technologies connected” investments. Therefore, sustainable development should be both a goal and, at the same time, the result of a new industrialization of the economy, cannot set itself the goal of enhancing isolation from the global raw materials market